Sunday, May 22, 2011

Drawing Ethnicity Part 2: African

Part 2 of my study focuses on people of African descent. Now I know that this demograph in particular has been significantly diluted in Europe and the Americas, where there is even greater variation in phenomes. Which is why for now I am focusing on the traits of Africans and not African Americans. It's a broad category...but I'm going broad for now. Later on I may get into the differences between Ethiopians and South Africans and Chinese vs. Japanese. But for now, I'm just trying to start big and work my way down.

Also, this is my first real try at drawing Africans. And I have to say right now... drawing a black woman's hair is stupidly fun. There's such a variety in shape and texture. It really takes on it's own character and I love it. 

Also, yes I know that I've neglected men at this point. They'll get their turn soon. 

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